Monday, January 26, 2009

New Card Editor - Fun things you can do...

So I wanted to take a moment and just share some fun and exciting things that you can do now with the New Card Editor.

There is over 14,ooo cards to choose from beside the ones that you can create your self... The new catalog lets you see the card large by just putting your cursor over the card you like to see the front or inside larger. (so Cool)

Now, we have the Editor this is so much fun, you have more fonts to choose from, you can change font size for all text or just some or just one word.. it is up to you and your creativity. Change font colors for all text or just some or just one word. again it is up to you and what you design. Have fun with it (the color wheel and color picker allows you to customize the color to fit the front of the card)

Now adding an image is even better, you have multiple options available to, one of wish you can have a full image take up the full side of the card.

Also, we have added more gifts, here are just a few Valentine Gifts that you can send with your card, there are several more along with 60 to 80 other items from blankets to dog briskets. and in all price levels. You would be surprised what we have to send with your cards.

And last but not least you can now save your card as a Draft and come back to it later.
oh also you can send multiple recipients with in the card editor, so that it can be done in one step not having to go through the multiple steps with a campaign (campaigns are still available).

I hope you have enjoyed seeing just some of the things that you can do now, So much fun.
Now if you have not tried the new Editor for your self now is the best time Valentines is coming and why not send a Free Card to your spouse or lover.

Just go to my site and click on my banner and let our Founder and CFO walk you through sending a card for FREE... Contact me if you would like to learn more information and try it your self.

Karianne - Your Keep In Touch Specialist

A New Year..What are your Goals!

Well it is 2009, and I am excited to have a new chance to make things happen.
What are your Goals for the New Year.. I would love for you to share.

As for mine,
"I AM" working to help people find fun, inexpensive ways to follow-up with people..
"I AM" working on getting Birthday's on a daily basis to send out Birthday cards to people, because I feel that everyone should get a birthday card on their day.

IT is going to be a great year.. 2009 is going to be sublime!

Tell me what your goals are I would love to know.

Happy New Year!

Karianne - Your Keep In Touch Specialist

Thursday, April 3, 2008

SOC Treat em Right Seminar

Well, I am late in writing my thoughts and words about the Treat Em Right Seminar. But I was able to Attend the Seminar on Saturday March 29th 2008. It was AWESOME!

I was filled with so much wonderful information that will give me Balance, Energy, and motivation and then through Affirmation & Action I will gain Success.

We have 2 elements that in life we need to have a even balance to gain the highest level of success. That is balance between Self and Others.

Self - is that inner promptings you get.
Others - is those Outer Promptings you do for those around you.

We talked about getting the balance of Affirmation & Action.

I Am's are the stories that you create in your Mind.

Actions are the fundamentals that you practice day to day.

This is the basic principles of The Law of Attraction - We have all heard about this, and with a company that I have been working with, the moto we use stats:

"What you SEND OUT in life is what you GET BACK."

So - if you send out Negative you get back negative
If you send out Positive you get back Positive

So we are faced with a challenge every day of our lives because 87% of everything we are exposed to is Negative.

So what I have learned is flush out the negative,
replace it with positive this will help you send those positives out to the world and there for you will receive what you send out ten fold...

I hope you are all sending out to give. If you need help to do so or know someone that needs help in sending out to give then give them my number.

I love what I do, and love what it has done to my life and those around me.

Karianne Parkinson
Your Keep-in-Touch Specialist

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I have been using the single most effective follow-up and customer appreciation system available today.

What if.. I could show you a system that would help you turn prospects into customers, and have your current clients referring people to you?

What if.. this same system built you relationships and touched your customer's hearts in a way no other system could?

What if.. this system could guarantee you would "Stand Out from the crowd" in the most positive way?

Well in a Nutshell, this sytem is a strategic process of Keeping in Touch - in just the right way, at just the right time, with just the right consistency - With past clients and referral sources. They will naturally stay loyal to you.

Want to learn more then contact me with your questions, or want to try the system for FREE your self contact me today!

Karianne Parkinson
Your Keep In Touch Specialist

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mentor-of-the-Day Referral Program

If you are struggling to generate referrals because you are just starting out and don't have a network of people that know you and who will refer business to you, then you need to carefully read ALL of this post

Starting from Scratch

I often hear from people who are starting their business from scratch that they don't have anyone of influence that will refer them business.That is a common problem.I know because I've been there. It can be disheartening. But let me show you a simple program that can...
1. Jump start your referral business
2. Make someone else feel like a million bucks
3. Give you a few warm fuzzies (who doesn't want that?)

It's called the "Mentor-of-the-Day" Referral Program.

Here's how it works.Sit down and create a list of people that you admire, people that have helped you in some small way throughout your life.

Or you can list people who's workshop you attended or who has said something significant that has helped you. Put some thought into this. Take some time to create your list.

Now you simply send them a card letting them know how they've helped you and thanking them for being a mentor to you.

Start Your Day Out With....a card to a mentor. Every day, think of someone who was a mentor to you in some way, shape or form.For instance, think of...

1. Someone who Said something significant to you
2. Someone who Wrote a great article that you read
3. Someone who did an act of kindness
4. Someone who who've looked up to for a long time
5. Someone who you've done business with for a while
6. Someone who wrote a book that you read
7. Someone who spoke at a networking meeting
8. Someone who is a local public official
9. Someone who is a school teacher for you kids
10. Someone who is one of your church leaders
11. Someone who is a great neighbor to you
12. Someone who is owns a local business
13. Someone who owns your favorite restaurant
14. Someone who gave you great service
15. Someone who is a local police officer

You get the idea.Think of at least one person a day who you could send a card to for something positive that they've done or are doing for you or other people.

And then recognize them for their positive impact in your life and the lives of others by sending them a "mentor card."

Start your "Mentor-of-the--Day" referral program today
Want to learn how just contact me at

Helping you build Relationships and Referrals that Last a Lifetime
Karianne Parkinson


Hi Welcome to Cards-4-Life Blog Spot,

Here you will find information about Cards-4-life and what it can do for your Life.

Have you ever had a prompting? You know that little voice in your head that said.. You need to send "joe" a card or note...With out really knowing why. But you just didn't have the time to go to the store pick out a card, sit down and write a note, get a stamp and mail it out..

Well Here is your solution...Cards-4-Life is powered by a company called Send Out Cards and this New technology allows you to send a card in your own handwriting, and signature in 60 seconds or less. You choose the cards (from over 12,000 or create your own with your personal digital images) and then click send. And Send Out Cards does the rest. They Print, Stuff, address, Stamp and Mail it in the US mail for you.

What to learn more and send a card on me for FREE!
Contact me at
I know you will fall in love with it.