If you are struggling to generate referrals because you are just starting out and don't have a network of people that know you and who will refer business to you, then you need to carefully read ALL of this post
Starting from ScratchI often hear from people who are starting their business from scratch that they don't have anyone of influence that will refer them business.That is a common problem.I know because I've been there. It can be disheartening. But let me show you a simple program that can...
1. Jump start your referral business
2. Make someone else feel like a million bucks
3. Give you a few warm fuzzies (who doesn't want that?)
It's called the "Mentor-of-the-Day" Referral Program.Here's how it works.Sit down and create a list of people that you admire, people that have helped you in some small way throughout your life.
Or you can list people who's workshop you attended or who has said something significant that has helped you. Put some thought into this. Take some time to create your list.
Now you simply send them a card letting them know how they've helped you and thanking them for being a mentor to you.
Start Your Day Out With....a card to a mentor. Every day, think of someone who was a mentor to you in some way, shape or form.For instance, think of...
1. Someone who Said something significant to you
2. Someone who Wrote a great article that you read
3. Someone who did an act of kindness
4. Someone who who've looked up to for a long time
5. Someone who you've done business with for a while
6. Someone who wrote a book that you read
7. Someone who spoke at a networking meeting
8. Someone who is a local public official
9. Someone who is a school teacher for you kids
10. Someone who is one of your church leaders
11. Someone who is a great neighbor to you
12. Someone who is owns a local business
13. Someone who owns your favorite restaurant
14. Someone who gave you great service
15. Someone who is a local police officerYou get the idea.Think of at least one person a day who you could send a card to for something positive that they've done or are doing for you or other people.
And then recognize them for their positive impact in your life and the lives of others by sending them a "mentor card."
Start your "Mentor-of-the--Day" referral program today
Want to learn how just contact me at kparkinson@sendoutcards.com
Helping you build Relationships and Referrals that Last a Lifetime
Karianne Parkinson